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PrisijungtiEric Sevareid the famous journalist of the last century wrote that „Christmas is a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year, which reminds us that we are here not just for ourselves but also for others”. We wait for light, love, kindness and the miracle of Christmas. Therefore „Laiptai Gallery” meets the Christmas specially and also embodies the waiting period. All town people and guests are invited to the exhibition of the Christmas miniatures – the project is called „Saint Christmas has already come”. This is one of the favorite events of Siauliai city residents and guests in the Christmas period, it is organized for the 20th time. The artists from Lithuania and abroad create their own miracle of Christmas – the miniatures that will look not only very delightful, but can become a lovely gift for your dear person as expression of gratitude, love and joy.
The exhibition of theatrical Christmas miniatures will be opened on 29 of November. 18 PM.
During the evening time the Christmas carols will sound, it will be performed by the folk ensemble Salduve. The best authors and their creations will be awarded, „Ars Vivo” the chamber ensemble will perform (The leader of ensemble S. Vaciulionis).
The Christmas tree decorated according to Lithuanian traditions will help to create the spirit of Christmas, music being play in candle light, the hot wine will be offered to the participants.
Project requirements (for artists):
1. Till 14 of November the artists present 2-3 works of art to the „Laiptai Gallery”
2. The theme of art works, the freely chosen technical fulfillment (graphics, painting, sculpture, object, photo, video, etc.).
3. The decorated side of art work (graphics, paintings) shall not exceed 20 cm.
– the height of sculture – 20 cm.
– the time of video or animation – 2 minutes.
4. The works for exposition are selected by formed commission of the gallery.
4.1 The funds are allowed for the publishing of catalogue (each participant will get a catalogue).
4.2 The funds are used for the most interesting creations of art of 3 nominations.
4.3 The works of art have been finaced by the same funds.
During the last days of October, before All Saint‘s Day, we are in the memory of our deceased relatives, we kindle the candles on their graves, return to the autumn reality and start thinking about the existence which is fragile and about nonexistence which is fearful.
The way of life ends, the life remains in people memories. The apostle Paul in the twilight of life says: “I finished the fight, I have finished the course”. But he immediately adds: “But I prevailed”. There would be happiness, if about no one’s life it can be said so. The fight of life and that frantic running are ended, but, it can be bravely pronounced, and defeated. Defeated with own brightness and a good deeds. The bright people remain in our memory. The manuscripts of life were burned and the beautiful memories remained. The death didn’t overcome their life.
“Laiptai” Gallery invites to commemorate All Saint’s Day with hopeful serenity.
On 30 of October, in 2012, 18 pm. will be opened the exhibition which is called “You are not dead to me…”. Drawings and monograms by Georg Holstein (1912-2010, Germany), calligraphy by Vilius Sliuzelis, the texts by Aldona Gustas (Germany).
In the evening time the miniature book of mourning poems by A. Gustas will be presented, it is dedicated for her husband’s G. Holstein memory. The priest Saulius Matulis will participate, the actress Monika Saltyte will read the poems, Audrius Jonaitis will play a music. The exhibition of drawings by G. Holstein and calligraphy by V. Sliuzas will be until 3rd of November.
Aldona Gustas was born in 1932 in Kranceviskis, the region of Silute, since the end of the second world war she lives in Berlin. In 1972 she established association of artists and poets of Berlin, together with Gunter Grass, Kurt Muhelnhaupt, Gunter Bruno Fuchs, Wolfdientrich Schnurre.
The first volume of poems by A. Gustas appeared in the legendary press of emeritus in 1962. Since that time many volumes of poems appear with drawings and works of graphs made by the author. Her poems are involved into 100 anthologies, the texts are translated into Lithuanian, Italian, Spanish, French, English, Russian, Polish languages. In 1997 Aldona Gustas got a medal Rahel Varnhagen von Ense Medaille.
Georg Holstein was born in 1913 in Riga, since 1922 he lived in Berlin. He studied history and worked as a journalist, since 1946 – he was a free writer. He wrote about the last dramatic years of the war in Germany, biographical novels, monographs on Voltaire, Rousseau, Fredrick II. In 1952 he married Lithuanian artist and poet Aldona Gustas. He died on July 21, in 2010, after a long illness.
For the last 11 years G. Holstein spent in the bed of sickness, his wife Aldona Gustas has always cared for him. The artist herself describes that years as: “I cried, I didn’t paint I just wrote. There was the inner fight between feelings and words. I was afraid that sensual words did not become sentimental kitsch on the paper”. Encouraged by her friends and critics, A. Gustas published the poem “You are not dead to me”. In the book poems of miniature immerse into nostalgia, pain and love also there are inserted drawings and monograms by Georg Holstein who have the talent of painter. The humble author of it did not want to show his creation anywhere and only for his wife’s Aldona Gustas patience and diplomacy, she forced her weak husband to draw. 58 years creators lived together through the delicate line of drawing and sensual word of poetics…
The presentation of drawings by Georg Holstein, calligraphy by Vilius Sliuzas and a book “You are not dead to me” by Aldona Gustas will be on 30 October, 18 pm. In “Laiptai Gallery”. (Address – Zemaites street 83).
Organizers: “Laiptai Gallery”
Telephone number: 200642
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